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The acquisition, announced on January 30, is part of Sagility’s strategy to expand its service offerings and enhance its market presence in the United States healthcare sector. The acquisition adds over 1,600 employees across […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Sagility, a healthcare operations service provider, has acquired BroadPath Healthcare Solutions, a Tucson-based company known for its expertise in healthcare services. The acquisition, <a href="https://sagilityhealth.com/news/sagility-acquires-broadpath-healthcare-solutions-a-us-healthcare-focused-services-company/">announced</a> on January 30, is part of Sagility’s strategy to expand its service offerings and enhance its market presence in the United States healthcare sector.</p> <p>The acquisition adds over 1,600 employees across the US and Philippines to Sagility’s workforce. It also brings more than 30 clients, including top ten US health plans, bolstering Sagility’s position in the competitive healthcare market.</p> <h3><strong>Enhanced Service Portfolio and Client Diversification</strong></h3> <p>The acquisition will enable Sagility to diversify its client base and enhance its service portfolio. The company currently offers member engagement, claims administration, provider enrollment, and credentialing services.</p> <p>With BroadPath’s integration, Sagility plans to introduce advanced services in automation, analytics, and artificial intelligence to its expanded clients, including payers, third-party administrators (TPAs), and healthcare providers.</p> <p>BroadPath’s proprietary Bhive platform, a work-from-home model, enhances employee engagement and performance optimization. Developed before the COVID-19 pandemic, this platform will integrate seamlessly with Sagility’s existing operations to drive efficiency improvements.</p> <h3><strong>Executive Perspectives on the Acquisition</strong></h3> <p>Ramesh Gopalan, Managing Director and Group CEO of Sagility, expressed optimism about the deal. “We are excited to add a sizeable number of clients through the acquisition of BroadPath. Their unrelenting focus on clients and employees aligns with our beliefs, and we are confident of seamlessly integrating their clients and employees into our organization,” he said.</p> <p>Don Hubman, CEO of BroadPath Healthcare Solutions, highlighted the value for clients. “Our clients will now have access to an expanded suite of services from Sagility, including innovative capabilities that can drive greater efficiency and improved member engagement. This acquisition enhances our ability to deliver even more value to the healthcare sector,” he noted.</p> <p>Also read: <a href="https://cxoxperts.com/how-blockchain-is-changing-healthcare/">How Blockchain is Changing Healthcare</a></p> <h3><strong>Strengthening Sagility’s Market Leadership</strong></h3> <p>With this acquisition, Sagility is reinforcing its position as a leading player in the healthcare services industry. The company aims to scale its operations and continue innovating to meet the evolving demands of the sector. By integrating BroadPath’s expertise and client base, Sagility is poised for sustained growth and increased competitiveness in the US market.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://cxoxperts.com/sagility-expands-with-broadpath-acquisition/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> </channel> </rss>