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The initiative is aimed at young innovators and tech enthusiasts who can access co-working spaces, free food, high-speed internet, and accommodation. The Freedom Squares will […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) and the state’s tourism department are collaborating to establish ‘Freedom Squares’, innovative 24×7 hubs designed to promote idea exchange, collaboration, and entrepreneurship across the state. The initiative is aimed at young innovators and tech enthusiasts who can access co-working spaces, free food, high-speed internet, and accommodation.</p> <p>The Freedom Squares will act as district-level hubs for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centres (IEDC), which already operate in several educational institutions. The plan is to set up 14 Freedom Squares, one in each district, to provide platforms for students, industry leaders, investors, and faculty members to connect and collaborate.</p> <h3>First Freedom Square in Thiruvananthapuram</h3> <p>The first Freedom Square is set to be developed near Technopark Phase IV on land behind the Digital University of Kerala campus. According to an official from the tourism department, the space will also feature a lake and leisure areas as part of Kerala’s design policy to attract young people.</p> <p>“Such places are lacking in our city, and this will attract more youngsters. We are also planning additional activities as part of the project,” the official told <a href="https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/kerala/2025/Jan/29/keralas-freedom-square-to-aid-circle-of-tech-and-innovation">TNIE</a>.</p> <h3>Promoting Entrepreneurship and Collaboration</h3> <p>Anoop Ambika, CEO of KSUM, highlighted to TNIE that Freedom Squares will serve as round-the-clock hubs for innovation and entrepreneurship. He emphasized that these spaces will enable individuals to network, collaborate with investors, and develop products and solutions.</p> <p>“We envision Freedom Squares to be places where young innovators can come together, generate ideas, and turn them into reality with support from corporates and angel investors,” Ambika said.</p> <p>The Freedom Squares will offer opportunities to tackle local social challenges, promote sustainable development goals (SDGs), and build capacity among students, professionals, and local communities.</p> <p><em>Also read: <a href="https://cxoxperts.com/gujarat-leads-indias-startup-boom-with-12000-ventures/">Gujarat Leads India’s Startup Boom with 12,000 Ventures</a></em></p> <h3>Corporate Partnerships and Knowledge Hub Vision</h3> <p>KSUM is in talks with corporate sponsors to fund the project under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. “We are trying to get major companies to sponsor Freedom Squares. Their commitments will benefit both sides,” Ambika added.</p> <p>The initiative aligns with Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan’s vision of transforming Kerala into an international knowledge hub, with a focus on research and innovation. At a recent event, Vijayan emphasized the importance of knowledge creation and society-connected research to strengthen Kerala’s education ecosystem.</p> <p>The plan has been welcomed by tech industry stakeholders, including Rajeev Krishnan, state convener of Prathidwani, an organization for tech professionals. “Currently, we use cafes for discussions, but they are often crowded. These new spaces will be a boon for techies,” Krishnan told TNIE.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://cxoxperts.com/kerala-to-launch-14-freedom-squares-for-innovation/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> </channel> </rss>