Haryana Chief Secretary Dr. Vivek Joshi has officially notified the Haryana Human Resource Management System (Administration) Policy, introducing a more efficient approach to managing the state’s government workforce through the upgraded e-HRMS 2.0 system.
The policy, effective immediately, aims to optimize employee placements, transfers, and postings while ensuring optimal resource utilization. It also emphasizes maintaining real-time employee data to facilitate faster and more informed decision-making across departments.
Streamlining Human Resource Operations
The new system seeks to systematically manage the creation and alteration of sanctioned posts, along with placements, transfers, and postings of officials, whether they are regular recruits or contractual employees. This initiative is designed to serve the public interest, ensuring transparency and accountability in HR operations.
A government spokesperson stated, “The policy aims to improve public service delivery by maximizing the utilization of government employees and ensuring accurate, up-to-date records of their service terms and conditions.”
Applicability Across the State Workforce
The e-HRMS 2.0 system will be applicable to all Haryana government employees, including both regular and contractual staff, across various departments, boards, and organizations.
The Human Resources Department (HRD) will serve as the administrative authority for the portal. HRD will oversee:
- Development and hosting of software modules.
- Smooth operation of the platform.
- Ensuring data safety and integrity.
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Driving Technological Transformation
The adoption of e-HRMS 2.0 marks a significant step towards technology-driven governance, reflecting Haryana’s commitment to modernize workforce management systems.
The initiative is expected to:
- Eliminate inefficiencies in employee postings and transfers.
- Provide accurate, real-time data for decision-making.
- Enhance public service delivery across government bodies.
Government’s Vision for Smarter Governance
The policy aligns with the broader goal of creating a digitally integrated government workforce. It underscores Haryana’s focus on leveraging cutting-edge technology to streamline processes, benefit employees, and ultimately improve service delivery to citizens.
In conclusion, Haryana’s e-HRMS 2.0 policy sets a benchmark for efficient, transparent, and technology-driven human resource management, aiming to build a more responsive and well-coordinated government workforce.