Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Thursday laid the foundation stone for a Center of Excellence under Tata Technologies Ltd at ITI Altinho, Panjim. The initiative, aimed at enhancing skill development and job creation for Goa’s youth, is part of a collaborative project between Tata Technologies and the Goa government.
As part of the event, CM Sawant also virtually inaugurated five additional centers at Bicholim, Vasco,...
The Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) and the state’s tourism department are collaborating to establish ‘Freedom Squares’, innovative 24x7 hubs designed to promote idea exchange, collaboration, and entrepreneurship across the state. The initiative is aimed at young innovators and tech enthusiasts who can access co-working spaces, free food, high-speed internet, and accommodation.
The Freedom Squares will act as district-level hubs for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centres...