Speaking at the event, CM Stalin highlighted that Tamil Nadu has always been at the forefront of technology, tracing the legacy back to Tidel Park in Chennai, established under former CM Karunanidhi. “Now, we are moving to the next step in information technology and digital services,” he said.
Expanding IT Hubs Across Tamil Nadu
CM Stalin emphasized that IT development should not remain confined to urban centers like Chennai but spread across Tamil Nadu to empower local talent. “The welfare and future of Tamil Nadu’s youth remain our top priority,” he said, highlighting the state’s partnerships with leading companies to train young professionals.
MoUs and Cybersecurity Initiatives
At the summit, the Tamil Nadu government signed 13 Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) valued at ₹78 crores. These agreements aim to train the state’s youth and create pathways for employment.
Recognizing the rising importance of cybersecurity, CM Stalin also spotlighted the state’s Cybersecurity Policy 2024, aimed at safeguarding Tamil Nadu’s growing digital ecosystem. “As digital innovation accelerates, we must also address the rising challenges of cybercrime to ensure a secure digital environment,” he added.
Also read: India’s 5G Boom Exposes Cybersecurity Gaps, Says NCSC M U Nair
Technology and Economic Growth
The summit also underscored Tamil Nadu’s leadership in emerging technologies, including AI, blockchain, and electric vehicles (EVs). CM Stalin reaffirmed the state’s commitment to fostering entrepreneurship and advancing IT infrastructure to ensure comprehensive development.
With the upcoming IT park in Coimbatore and other initiatives, Tamil Nadu continues to position itself as a technology and innovation hub in India, paving the way for inclusive growth and transformative opportunities for its workforce.
This story was first reported by ANI.